CAS PDN Point of Sale Scale

New POS scale from CAS with USB or serial comms connection. Perfect for your POS applications and will integrate with all POS Systems. Low profile and space-efficient design Bright LED display with good visibility Cap: 15kg x 2/5g See Brochure

AND Personal Scale UC355

AND Personal scales. High Capacity 250kg Perfect for Home, Gym’s & Medical Clinics Large platform size 360mm x 415mm The profile of the scale is 35mm tall even when the carpet tray (included) is utilised. Just step on and let the scale guide you with on-screen prompts Cap: 250kg x 100g See Brochure

AND Personal Scale UC321 Cap:150kg x 50g

AND Personal Scale UC321 The UC-321 Series is a sleek stylish precision scale that offers quick, accurate readings. The UC-321 scale has a maximum capacity of 150kg x 50g resolution, with target weight setting and Body Mass Index (BMI) calculation. This personal scale promises to help users gain precise control of their body weight, from…

A&D Patient Chair Scales

AND Patient Chair Scales Simple operation with 2 button keypad Easy to clean chair shell to ensure maximum hygiene Long battery life (up to 600hrs) on alkaline cells Highly portable with locking castors for patient safety Capacity: 150kg x 0.02kg See Brochure

TSDI166 PALLET SCALES 1200mm x 1200mm

TSDI166 PALLET SCALES 1200mm x 1200mm legal for trade use on request. heavy-duty low-profile weigh platform solid robust mild steel construction with powder coated finish. TSDI166 Easy to operate, the TSDI166 scale indicator is ideal for many weighing applications. It comes complete with check weighing functionality, is NMI approved for trade use in Australia and…